In the first edition of our Artist Spotlight series, we're featuring Lisa Potter - a New Jersey based artist and yogi who designed our Mindful Mandala yoga mat!
We were so thrilled to collaborate with you on our first-ever artist designed yoga mat, Mindful Mandala! What was your inspiration when creating this design?
Thanks! I’m thrilled to work with you guys. What a dream - my art on something I love to do. When Adam asked me, I just knew the mandala would be perfect. I wanted something that you wouldn’t mind having laid out in your living room or at the end of your bed for a couple of days. I actually have a big painting in my house of a half mandala which I also turned in a sticker. It’s kind of my signature design.

When did you first start practicing yoga?
About 6 years ago I took a class at our local gym. Shortly after I started a home practice, found a couple yoga studios and then found a home at Hot or Not Yoga.
Before yoga, I wasn’t very fit or flexible. I was convinced that I just couldn’t touch my toes in a forward fold. About 6 months later I was able to put my full palms down, that’s when I realized I can do anything with consistency. I really love the strength benefits and seeing how far I’ve come since I started.

What has yoga taught you about yourself?
That I can do hard things!
Do you have a yoga playlist? If so, what kind of music is on it?
I like feel good music, songs you can play over and over. I have a go-to yoga playlist called ‘GoodVibes’ on it you can find songs from Bon Iver, Leon Bridges, Eddie Vedder, Avett Brothers, SOJA & Caamp. I also like classic rock, you just can’t go wrong! Sometimes you can even catch me playing the same Chris Stapleton song on repeat.
Our mantra is “Live Limitless” and we aim to inspire others to pursue their passions free of self-doubt or the pressures of societal norms. How has yoga helped you live limitless?
It has helped me to put myself out there! Take the leap and try something new.

Have you always been an artistic person, or is this something you learned about yourself later on in life?
I have always been an artistic person! Have and always will be a maker. As a kid I was into random crafts and drawing. I went to college and got an art degree. Since then I’ve found a love for photography, macrame and digital art.

If you had an unlimited budget to create your dream yoga sanctuary, what would it include?
First thing that comes to mind would be a bright white studio filled with tropical plants that give off a Costa Rica vibe. Connected to it would be a grab and go coffee shop and daycare/playground.
What are some of your favorite art mediums to work with, and what are some you haven’t tried yet but would love to someday?
I’ve pretty much tried it all! Right now my favorite is digital art. It is just so nice to draw/paint/sketch right on my iPad- no mess, no need of supplies, can be 5 minutes or a couple hours. When you're done you just close it up and put it away.

Where can we check out your art?
You can find me on Instagram @madebylisanoelle. Currently I am making stickers. Mostly for fun and for friends but mainly for custom orders for boats! It’s been a lot of fun and I’ve been able to talk to people from all over the east coast. Give me a follow and you can see what I’ve been up to!